Contract Term: March 1, 2024, through February 28, 2025, with an option for three additional one-year periods ending February 28, 2026, February 28, 2027, and February 29, 2028.
Products and Services: FMX is an all-in-one system. Comprehensive reporting data helps you support capital investments, maximize energy usage, and shift into proactive work, all from one singular interface. Our software was designed speciffcally for schools. Whatever your school or district's pain points, we've been there before, and we know how to help. We can help you reduce costs and increase effectiveness. Extensive tracking and reporting capabilities give you the upper hand. Use capital planning insights to make informed decisions about staffing, equipment purchases, and facility improvements.
Ordering Instructions:
Vendor Contact Information:
John A. Bailey, Ph. D.
National Director of K12 Business Development
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (757)592-3742
Ryann Genn
Territory Account Executive
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (925)989-5825
Bid and Response Documents: