Vendors List » Tremco/Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc.

Tremco/Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc.


Company Name: Tremco/Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc.

Contract Title: Roffing and Building Envelope Services
Contract #: AEPA IFB #021-D


Contract Term: March 1, 2021, through February 28, 2022, with the option to extend for three additional 12-month periods ending February 28, 2023, February 29, 2024, and February 28, 2025.

Products and Services:   

    • Roofing:  Repair, replacement, restoration.  (Includes the evaluation of existing conditions by a roofing expert to help determine the best solution to a roofing problem.)
    • Roofing:  Top of the line products for maintenance crews that wish to perform their own repairs or preventative maintenance.  We also offer training and roofing knowledge seminars for facility manager and or maintenance crews who want to learn more about roofing.  
    • Roofing:  Inspection and or Preventative Maintenance Programs to help extend the life of existing roofs.  (Typically, a properly maintained roof will last about 50% long than those that are not maintained.  This can potentially save a school district hundreds of thousands of dollars.)
    • Weatherproofing:  A complete line of caulking and sealants for walls and windows and the expertise on how to apply them.
    • Air Barrier:  A service that includes auditing and detailed reporting of an existing building's air leakage, repair summaries and how much the client can save on energy bills by performing these repairs.  This program offers ways to perform the audit and repairs with no up-front costs to the owner.  They simply pay for the repairs using the money saved in energy costs.

Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing: Please contact Scott Pollard at the information below.

Vendor Contact Information:

Scott Pollard
Field Advisor
Cell Phone: 806-392-4385
Voicemail: 800-851-4081
Fax: 806-368-6401
Email: [email protected]

Due Diligence: 

Bid and Response Documents:

Required Federal and State Documents:

Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M.)


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