Vendors List » Wiley Hicks Jr, Inc.

Wiley Hicks Jr, Inc.


Company Name:  Wiley Hicks Jr, Inc. 

Contract Title: Job Order Contracting 

Contract #:  TEXBUY RFP #023-086


Contract Term:  August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2025, with an option to extend for three additional one-year periods ending July 31, 2026, July 31, 2027, and July 31, 2028.

Products and Services:

Wiley Hicks Jr., Inc is a general construction company founded in 1961 by Wiley Hicks Jr. For the past 35 years WHJI has specialized in institutional construction mainly focusing on school projects both K-12 and College construction. We pride ourselves on the number of repeat customers we have worked for over the years and feel that is due to our attention to quality as well as completing projects on time.


Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing:  For products and pricing, please contact our office directly.


Vendor Contact Information:


Wiley Hicks III
Phone: 806-206-1120
Matt Hicks
Phone: 806-206-3286


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Bid and Response Documents:

Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M.);