Partac Peat Corporation
Company Name: Partac Peat Corporation
Contract Term: March 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024 with the option to extend for three additional one year periods ending on February 29, 2025, February 28, 2026, and February 28, 2027.
Products and Services: Your "One-Stop Source" for America's baseball, softball & sports surfaces & supplies!
Ordering Instructions: Contact Denise Pierce at [email protected]. Purchase Orders may be mailed to Partac Peat Corporation, One Kelsey Park, Great Meadows, NJ 07838.
Vendor Pricing: Contact a Partac Peat representative for more information.
Vendor Contact Information:
Denise Pierce
Sales Manager
Ph: 800-247-2326
Email: [email protected]
Kim Engle
Ph: 800-247-2326
Email: [email protected]
Fax for ordering: 908-637-8421
Vendor Website:
For Product Information please visit the Schutt website.
Bid and Response Documents:
Protect Your Field the way you would Protect Your Players!