Parsons Roofing
Contract Title(s): Roofing - Job Order Contracting
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #022-020
Contract Term: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024 with the option to extend for three additional 12-month increments through June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027.
Products and Services: Parsons Commercial Roofing in business since 1948, a family owned 3rd generation company. Awarded the Duro-Laset Contractor of the year for the past 11 consecutive years. We are fully insured and bonded, and ranked in the Top 30 Roofing Contractors. We have our own safety director who oversees all projects to guarantee that we are OSHA compliant. We have a Superintendent on site at each job and a project manager assigned to coordinate each job. We provide work for the government, schools, commercial, manufactures, and industrial. Free roof evaluations and estimates. Reroofs or repairs. Energy Efficient. Best Warranties and Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing: Please contact a Parsons Roofing representative for more information!
Vendor Contact Information:
Jeff Strain
Parsons Sales Representative
Parson Sales Office: 877-881-1733
Email: [email protected]
Roger Parsons
Cell: 254-227-1089
Parson Sales Office: 877-881-1733
Bid and Response Documents: