Cengage Learning, Inc.
Company Name: Cengage Learning, Inc.
Contract Title(s): Instructional Material/Supplies/Equipment/Software
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #022-026
Contract Term: September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through August 31, 2024, August 31, 2025 and August 31, 2026.
Products and Services: Cengage Learning, Inc. is a leading educational content, software and services company for academic, professional and library markets worldwide. National Geographic Learning, part of Cengage Learning, is a provider of quality core and supplemental educational materials for the K-12, higher education and adult education markets. Cengage Learning, and National Geographic Learning also distribute a variety of content from the National Geographic Society, including images, maps, videos and articles, to the academic and library markets worldwide. The company’s products and services are designed to foster academic excellence and professional development, increase student engagement, improve learning outcomes and deliver authoritative information to people whenever and wherever they need it.
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #022-026
Contract Term: September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through August 31, 2024, August 31, 2025 and August 31, 2026.
Products and Services: Cengage Learning, Inc. is a leading educational content, software and services company for academic, professional and library markets worldwide. National Geographic Learning, part of Cengage Learning, is a provider of quality core and supplemental educational materials for the K-12, higher education and adult education markets. Cengage Learning, and National Geographic Learning also distribute a variety of content from the National Geographic Society, including images, maps, videos and articles, to the academic and library markets worldwide. The company’s products and services are designed to foster academic excellence and professional development, increase student engagement, improve learning outcomes and deliver authoritative information to people whenever and wherever they need it.
National Geographic Learning/Cengage has worked with many large districts, regional service centers, and local agencies for over 50+ years. We have provided ISD’s with excellent customer service, sales representation and products including professional development of our products. Few organizations present this world and its people, places, and precious resources in a more compelling way than National Geographic Learning/Cengage.
We are committed to teacher excellence and student achievement. Our customized training solutions are targeted directly to educators’ needs, to ensure that they are equipped to meet the highest college- and career-ready standards for all students.
• High-quality implementation training
• Comprehensive solutions customized to meet educators’ needs integrating both print and digital
• Flexible and blended offerings
• Ongoing product training solutions to support fidelity of implementation
• High-quality implementation training
• Comprehensive solutions customized to meet educators’ needs integrating both print and digital
• Flexible and blended offerings
• Ongoing product training solutions to support fidelity of implementation
To help you consistently improve the quality of instruction for all students, when you adopt National Geographic Learning /Cengage products, you have access to varied and ongoing professional growth opportunities that include:
• Program Implementation Training
• Follow-up Zooms
• Online Product Training & Support
• Virtual Consultations
• Program Implementation Training
• Follow-up Zooms
• Online Product Training & Support
• Virtual Consultations
From zooms and videos to user guides and product walk-throughs, there are training materials for every print and digital solution.
Ordering Instructions: Customers have 4 options for placing orders, however the best and fastest way for customers to submit an order is via the Quote to Order process:
1. (Preferred Method) Quote to Order: Submit My Purchase Order button located in the upper right-hand corner of the electronic quote.
2. Webform: NGL Contact website Placing My Order
3. Phone: Hold treatment messaging will encourage customers to contact their sales consultant for new order placement.
4. Email- [email protected]
Vendor Contact Info:
Beverly M. Jones, Supervisor, Textbook Services & Adoptions
Phone: 800.543.0487 #11532
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 800.543.0487 #11532
Email:[email protected]
Bid & Response Documents: #022-026 Instructional Materials/Supplies/Equipment/Software
Required Federal and State Documents:
Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M..)