Vendors List » AstroTurf



Company Name:  AstroTurf 

Contract Title: Natural & Synthetic Surfaces for Fields, Tracks, Courts, Playground and Landscaping Applications
Contract #: AEPA IFB #024-A
Approved Categories
Category 1 - Synthetic Turf for Sports Fields 
Category 2 - Natural Turf for Sport Fields 
Category 3 - Running Track, Tennis, and Athletic Courts
Category 4 - Synthetic Turf for Playgrounds, Pet, Commercial, Landscaping Applications


Contract Term: March 1, 2024, through February 28, 2025, with the option to extend for three additional one-year periods ending February 28, 2026, February 28, 2027, and February 29, 2028.

Products and Services:  AstroTurf is the only synthetic turf system in the world with ISO 9001 quality certification, full turnkey service, and the same private ownership from the start.

Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing:  Please see AstroTurf's website for details.

Vendor Contact Information:

Kim Summers
National Director of Cooperative Purchasing
Ph: 706-264-1314


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Due Diligence

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Required Federal and State Documents:

Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M.):