Company Name: NODO Tech LLC
Contract Title: Security & Safety Supplies, Equipment & Solutions |
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #023-003 |
Contract Term: April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024 with an option to extend for three additional one-year periods ending March 31, 2025, March 31, 2026, and March 31, 2027.
Products and Services:
If you're looking to improve your school's security, Nodo Tech can help with our software and hardware. Our software helps with background checks on visitors, emergency alerts and two apps to support your school. One for your educators to send emergency alerts and one for your visitors to schedule visits ahead of time so you have the control and speed up event attendance. For hardware, we also can add door access controls and cameras with AI alert detections- AND you don't have to replace your existing cameras either to take advantage of this. Best of all, based in Amarillo with Texas support.
Vendor Contact Information:
Jordan Robertson
Phone: (936)523-0417
Email: [email protected]
Schedule a meeting: https://jordan-nodosoftware.
Bid and Response Documents: