Audio Enhancement
Contract Term: March 1, 2024, through February 28, 2025, with an option for three additional one-year periods ending February 28, 2026, February 28, 2027, and February 29, 2028.
Products and Services: Audio Enhancement provides customizable solutions to support learning inside and outside the classroom. These solutions include classroom audio, cameras, safety alerts, and schoolwide communication. Classroom audio provides a teacher microphone, distributing the teacher’s voice to all students. The microphone includes alert buttons for emergencies, quickly notifying office staff of urgent situations.
Ordering Instructions: It is recommended that members request a quote by contacting the local Regional Sales Director or their preferred authorized reseller to place an order due to the complexity and customizable solutions Audio Enhancements offers. Orders can also be placed with a Purchase Order number or credit card to Audio Enhancement in the additional ways:
Vendor Contact Information:
Brittany Kleiman
Phone: (408)343-9882
Email: [email protected]
Desiree Flanagan
Phone: (505)235-8614
Email: [email protected]
Max Dobson
Phone: (801)598-9935
Email: [email protected]
Bid and Response Documents: