Pyramid School Products
Company Name: Pyramid School Products
Contract Title: Athletic Supplies & Equipment |
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #023-002 |
Contract Term: November 1, 2023, through October 31, 2024, with an option to extend for three additional one-year periods ending October 31, 2025, October 31, 2026, and October 31, 2027.
Products and Services:
Pyramid is a national distributor of schools / office-related supplies and equipment, serving school districts & government agencies since 1932. For this particular bid, we will be providing various athletics supplies & equipment.
Vendor Contact Information:
Kenny Miller
Phone: (800)792-2644 Ext. 225
Email: [email protected]
Ordering Instructions:
Contact Vice President Kenny Miller for quotes at (800)792-2644 ext. 225 or by e-mail at [email protected]
Bid and Response Documents:
Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M.);