Company Name: Calian Corp.
Contract Title(s): Technology Products and Solutions Catalog
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #021-010
Contract Term: July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2025.
Products and Services: Calian IT & Cyber Solutions, formerly Computex, is a global everything-as-a-service, cybersecurity and IT solutions provider committed to helping customers grow and evolve their businesses through technology over the past 40 years. We utilize world leading technologies integrated with our "brainware" to deliver proactive, efficient, and scalable solutions allowing our customers to drive innovation in their business while relying on us to elevate their vision. Our brainware is comprised of architects, engineers, best of breed processes, and state-of-the-art facilities to help tailor the right solution. This process, coupled with years of experience and our highly certified brainware, allows us to establish best practices that can be implemented for a range of industries including energy, healthcare, retail, hospitality, education, and manufacturing. Outside of IT & Cyber Solutions, Calian Group has expertise in Advance Technologies, Healthcare & Learning.
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #021-010
Contract Term: July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2025.
Products and Services: Calian IT & Cyber Solutions, formerly Computex, is a global everything-as-a-service, cybersecurity and IT solutions provider committed to helping customers grow and evolve their businesses through technology over the past 40 years. We utilize world leading technologies integrated with our "brainware" to deliver proactive, efficient, and scalable solutions allowing our customers to drive innovation in their business while relying on us to elevate their vision. Our brainware is comprised of architects, engineers, best of breed processes, and state-of-the-art facilities to help tailor the right solution. This process, coupled with years of experience and our highly certified brainware, allows us to establish best practices that can be implemented for a range of industries including energy, healthcare, retail, hospitality, education, and manufacturing. Outside of IT & Cyber Solutions, Calian Group has expertise in Advance Technologies, Healthcare & Learning.
Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing: Please email a copy of a PO/signed quote to your rep:
Point of Contact info:
Michael Orlando
Director, Public Sector Sales
Phone: 713-780-7580
Cell: 832-443-2430
Email: [email protected]
Vendor Website: Calian
Bid and Response Documents:
Bid and Response Documents:
Required Federal and State documents:
Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M.):