Navigate360 LLC
Company Name: Navigate360 LLC
Contract Title: Security & Safety Supplies, Equipment & Solutions |
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #023-003 |
Contract Term: April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024 with an option to extend for three additional one-year periods ending March 31, 2025, March 31, 2026, and March 31, 2027.
Products and Services:
Navigate360 is the nation’s leader in K–12 school safety and student wellness solutions, serving more than 30,000 schools through a holistic and layered approach across culture and climate, threat assessment and intervention, and safety management and preparedness. Solutions include Emergency Management Suite, Panic Buttons, Building and Site Mapping, Visitor & Volunteer Management System, P3 Anonymous Tip Reporting, and ALICE Training® - the original Active Shooter Training.
Vendor Contact Information:
Sales Office
Phone: 330.427.8057
Bid and Response Documents: