About TexBuy Purchasing Cooperative
TexBuy is a statewide purchasing cooperative hosted by Region 16 Education Service Center in Amarillo, Texas. TexBuy is the Texas representative of the national purchasing organization AEPA (Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies). Many of the awarded contracts offered through TexBuy were solicited nationally by AEPA, providing the most competitive pricing available. Contact us at 806-677-5041 or 1-888-677-5040 for more information.
- Interlocal Agreement
- Board Resolution for School Districts
- Board Resolution for Non-School Entities
TexBuy Purchasing Cooperative is Proud to received the official certification of the Cooperative Entity Competitive Assurance Program (CECAP) which is sponsored through the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance (CTPA)
TexBuy and AEPA
TexBuy and Region 16 ESC proudly partners with the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA), a national purchasing cooperative. AEPA represents the buying power of 29 states and 25 million students.
TexBuy Personnel
Andrew PickensDirector of Purchasing
Office: 806-677-5040 Email: |
Todd MerrimanTexBuy Field Representative
Office: 806-677-5041
Cell: 806-679-2377 Email: |
Lois RossAdministrative Assistant
Office: 806-677-5052 Email: |