Vendors List » B.E. Publishing

B.E. Publishing

Company Name: B.E. Publishing

Contract Term: September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through August 31, 2024, August 31, 2025 and August 31, 2026.

Products and Services: B.E. Publishing has been a leading publisher of business, career, technology, and health science resources for schools for the past 25 years. Teachers know that “students learn by doing," and all of B.E. Publishing's products and services reflect this hands-on approach to teaching and learning. Our two eLearning platforms— and—provide resources that motivate, engage, and teach students valuable technology and business skills that are essential in today’s personal and professional environments., a 100% web-based keyboarding software provides a wide range of interactive instructional lessons and teaching tools for keyboarding students across curricula spanning grades K-12., a web-based eLearning platform delivers eTexts, student resources, assessments, teaching tools, and more resources designed to facilitate business, career, and technology readiness for students in grades 6-12.


Ordering Instructions:
Phone: 888-781-6921
Postal mail:
P.O. Box 8558, Warwick, RI 02888


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Vendor Contact info:

Michael Gecawich
B.E. Publishing, Inc.
P.O. Box 8558
Warwick, RI 02888

Email: [email protected]

Cell Phone: 401-829-2485

Fax: 401-781-7608


Vendor Websites:

Bid & Response Documents: #022-026 Instructional Materials/Supplies/Equipment/Software
Required Federal and State Documents:
Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M..)