Contract Title(s): Security Solutions
Contract #: AEPA RFP #021-G
Contract Term: March 1, 2021 through February 28, 2022 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through February 28, 2023, February 29, 2024 and February 28, 2025.
Products and Services: Deledao is a digital wellness company. We want to help people make thoughtful choices online by providing the tools to make the internet a positive experience.
Founded in 2017 by Silicon Valley veterans concerned about their children's internet use, Deledao developed proprietary Artificial Intelligence to provide holistic web protection for children everywhere. We burst onto the school market in 2019 with Deledao Education, now helping schools in 10 states and quickly growing. To help parents in the home market, we released Deledao Family in 2020.
Capabilities of Deledao products include:
- AI-detection of mental wellness
- Real-time AI filtering
- YouTube management
- Screen time management
- Visibility into user digital habits
- Online data privacy protection
Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing: Please contact Jasen Whetstone
Vendor Contact Information:
Vendor Website:
Bid and Response Documents: