Vendors List » SourceNow


Company Name: SourceNow

Contract Title(s): Technology Products & Solutions
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #024-010 
Contract Term: July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through June 30, 2026, June 30, 2027, and June 30, 2028.
Products and Services: SourceNow is a respected national distributor for all major brands of printing consumables. We serve federal agencies, school districts, higher education organizations, state agencies and local municipalities. We are proud to have over 35 years of experience in this industry and are ready to serve your needs!

Ordering Instructions and Vendor Pricing: Contact the Sales Consultant via phone or email.  Be sure to tell the Consultant that you wish to use “TexBuy” vendor contract during quoting process. 
Vendor Contact Information: 
Jessea Bowe - Sales Representative
Phone: 800-548-0277
Email: [email protected]
Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M.):